At times you could imagine figures, including a Pavlova swan and a St. Denis votary, emerging momentarily inside a frame of lights formed by the guru's expanding body.
As a halo of brilliant light formed in the air before him, he could only hope that he'd planned all of this well enough.
The room now was quite dark, save for the circle of ruddy and fitful light formed by the brightly blazing logs in the hearth.
With an angry shout he waved me back down the road, now a tunnel of yellow light formed by the interlocking canopies overhead.
Sun glitter is a bright, sparkling light formed when sunlight reflects from water waves.
Peering out between them, Tom envisioned himself in a tunnel of light formed by the Blazer's headlights.
They peered toward brilliant masses of light formed by blinking electric signs.
Helplessly, Bonnie felt herself being overridden, felt his mind come closer, closer to the circle of light formed by the candelabras.
Unctuous ripples moved away from him; lenses of quince-colored light formed and vanished.
Back cover: He had prayed for a vision of the new God - and was answered. . . . A great clear light formed in the sky above him.