Two light Chiribuan galleys came down on it like hawks on a chicken.
The smaller, lighter galley confronting them was far more maneuverable than the cog.
Nefer had ordered twenty light galleys and as many smaller boats to patrol all the open waters within three miles of the temple of Hathor, and to chase up any waterbirds that settled.
Within minutes a light fighting galley packed with armed men burst through the screen of papyrus, thrust onward by twenty oars.
Each side of the U was formed by a single line of forty light galleys.
What he could not ignore was the damage the lighter galleys on the flanks were taking.
Outside the Mediterranean, the sea was unfavourable to the long, narrow and light galley of 120 ft. long and 20 ft. of beam.
Furthermore, the Veneti ships were superior to the light Roman galleys.
Halberd 's mast didn't quite come down, but the smaller, lighter galley staggered under the impact, and dozens of grappling irons arced out from the Charisian ship.
The first was composed, according to Agostino Giustiniani, of fifty-eight galleys, and eight panfili, a class of light galleys of eastern origin named after the province of Pamphylia.