Farther on, along the wall of the castle, he saw a light gleam through another window.
Mesrour screwed his head round to look also, and saw the light gleam faintly on the surface of the splendid jewel, which he, too, desired so eagerly.
I saw the faint light gleam upon her beautiful face and glitter down the silver ornaments of her dress.
Yes, he could hear them too, the pad-pad-pad of many feet; and he saw the light gleam off slanted eyes.
And then she noticed, for the first time, a light gleam from the jewel.
As they went down the dark stairs they saw the pale light gleam from the wizard's staff.
A light gleams behind every window: everyone's indoors.
Harry saw a sudden light gleam from Delka's eyes.
Just the canalized light gleam cast on the terrace flooring by the room lights in here escaping through.
Just a gleam more light, just one.