Shoving the body off the altar, he set fire to the blood as Maria lit copal incense.
We would light lanterns and incense and show our ancestors the way back to their graves.
Instead, a few priests came in from doors on either side of the altar, lit candles and incense, and began very quiet chanting.
Earlier, when the world was normal, someone must have lit incense in the great cauldron.
She lit incense in the shrine and took offerings to the god of the mountain.
"If you wish, we will light incense on Seiichi-san's grave together."
Some time in the morning, servants must have lit incense and perfumed the air with oils.
No one's coming into my house until I've lit incense.
Now, with El Krusho crucified to the floor, Nancy lit incense.
And now as I watched, he was lighting incense for them, a small cake that he had taken out of a silk handkerchief.