As a result they also found themselves fighting upon distant shores in Europe where they were famous as ferocious light infantrymen.
Everyone here was a light infantryman.
His attitude might have seemed strange for a soldier, but as a light infantryman he understood that ammunition was something that had to be carried.
Normal Army routine was heavy on personal hygiene, and light infantrymen, as elite soldiers, were supposed to be "pretty" troops.
That designated Chavez as a light infantryman.
He reeled back against the musket's kick, saw a light infantryman at the far end of the bridge spin and sprawl on his face.
The grenadiers-reinforcements for the bridge-met the noisy, panic-stricken light infantrymen, running the other way.
It was held by two battalions of French chausseurs, light infantrymen, just 1,300 strong.
Initially he put the emphasis on teaching the men the skills of the light infantryman.
As the Austrians shot down the leading carabinier company, the rest of his light infantrymen waited in a column, unable to fire.