As is customary, Mondale and his wife, Joan, were each given a yukata, or light kimono, to wear while they stayed in the inn.
Wissex drew his dirk and went for the chest, but all he felt was his arm enwrapped with the light flossy kimono.
Wrapped in a light kimono, Harry wandered with his glass into the living room, which was dark, bedding spread on the floor.
The man in the light blue kimono held a Portu- guese Model 48 submachine gun.
The light green kimono weighed 25 pounds and cost roughly $130,000.
She felt a little foolish in her light kimono, like the one person at the party wearing fancy dress.
The fold of the light blue kimono fluttered like a tree being hit by one sudden gust of breeze.
Kanjii wore a light black kimono under which his legs were bare.
It showed the figure to be a girl, attired in nightgown and light kimono.
The younger waitress, the one in the light blue kimono with the old-fashioned obi, pulled back the sliding screen and entered the room.