Also neutrinos faster than light and catalytic clothing.
This is just another take on why faster than light neutrinos are impossible in theory.
The light neutrinos cannot explain the missing dark matter, because they do not have enough mass.
Both papers note that there wasn't any sign of faster than light neutrinos from a well observed supernova in 1987.
The damping times are very long as the light neutrinos cannot relieve much energy from the system.
Nowadays there are known to be three light neutrinos; the third is the partner of the tau lepton.
Would it be a good or a bad thing if Einstein's theory of special relativity has been disproved by the faster than light neutrinos?
In 2007, Riazuddin introduced SU(3) symmetry in the theory of light neutrinos.
He postulated the light neutrinos formed a Triplet state in a SU(3) symmetry during the double beta decay.
- Faster than light neutrinos, eh (Report, 22 September).