In addition, the glass is treated so that infrared light cannot radiate out of the house.
He could see the reddish light radiating from the sky even through the mountain's mass.
After a time, Dainyl stepped out of the conference room, green light radiating from him.
This light does not radiate from the Radiant in an ordinary manner.
There were no lights radiating from the windows, she saw they were painted over.
Its powerful light radiates from the tallest spire of our city.
The place was deserted, the only light radiating from the ranks of refrigerated tanks.
The green light was radiating from one spot beneath the water, across the chamber, near the wreckage of a construction cabinet.
And that light shall radiate until a right cone be established upon the sea, and it is day.
With flourescent lights radiating from a ceiling that shows signs of water damage, it is his least favorite.