Dawnay damped the tube in a holder with a light reflector behind it.
And it yields a splendid space within, enriched by hanging pieces of white fabric that deflect air and, at night, become light reflectors.
We put up light reflectors.
It is able to hold a good polish and so is sometimes used in light reflectors and mirrors.
To them he adds certain pieces of studio paraphernalia (light reflectors and photography umbrellas) and joins everything in uncomplicated ways.
A glare-free light reflection is generated which can beneficially be used for light reflectors or facades.
This is an art which involves the use of light reflectors and ingredients such as minerals to give the skin a flawless finish.
Buffing is also used to manufacture light reflectors.
He also patented different types of light reflector that would allow natural light into buildings that would otherwise require gaslights during daytime.
It is commonly used in chemical processing equipment, light reflectors, and jewelry.