London's traditional advantages - light but effective regulation, lots of established firms, liquidity - are in any event being eroded as other centres catch up.
But its policies - tax cuts, light regulation, a patchwork safety net - have contributed to them.
The Tories wanted lighter regulation, not more, right up to the crash.
A main mast was added after launch, to comply with new light regulations.
I know there are noise regulations in the city, but are there light regulations as well?
Its members would also welcome lighter regulation from the federal government.
In a race to the bottom, companies could seek out the country with the lightest regulation and least investor protection.
Countries with more democratic and limited governments have lighter regulation of entry.
Another incentive in Europe for clean energy companies is lighter regulation over publicly listed companies.
But America is also the place where comparatively light regulation of worker-employer relations has produced the disposable job.