He needed time to consider the situation in the light shed by Captain Scroyle's revelations.
Despite the light shed on the panel, Paris felt for depressions that might snap the cover from its housing.
Move them to a sheltered spot near the house or into a light shed or garage.
The light shed by the 200 rockets brightened the room with an intensity that exceeded its earlier illumination.
The white tables look ghostly in the light shed by the bridge outside, still wrapped in fog.
"Certainly," Barney said, as though seeing for the first time in the light shed by this dizzy daffodil.
Nor is any light shed in the letters of Helen and Annie.
The light shed by the lamps in the tent caused both of their faces to be highlighted, making them seem ever harder than usual.
The light shed by a small oil lamp made their faces seem especially taut and hollow.
Shadrach stepped slowly forward, and into the light shed by torches in the junction a little way off.