But this history of financial rascality and inanity is handled in a lighter spirit.
Carl tells Melinda that white light spirits are watching over her, but the balance can shift and her son is the key.
A recall of cartoonish animal images once occurring in a light spirit contributes to the impact, too.
In 1960 it was rebuilt and upgraded to double the production capacity and to yield lighter spirit.
They had the light spirits of boys, and that carelessness was no longer a luxury he could afford.
A man of lighter spirit might have eased the moment with a joke, but Rhoodie, serious to the core, made no such effort.
His light spirits, which only the speed of the Walrus could damp for long, fell and he began to feel depressed.
The team flew to Denver today for Monday's trip-concluding game with a far lighter spirit.
He remembered the light spirit in which he once looked after the girls- how he had danced, escorted them home, hung over their gates.
All of the light spirits are located in the Twilight Princess.