Yellowish-green light, for example, stimulates both L and M cones equally strongly, but only stimulates S-cones weakly.
Some researchers believe that therapeutic light stimulates the production of a substance called reactive oxygen species in the body's tissues.
These new lights illuminated Middle-earth, stimulated much new plant and animal growth, and for a while, confounded the plans of Morgoth.
Botello stated that the light and bright colors of the tropics opened a new world for him and stimulated his creativity.
This light can then stimulate certain molecules in the cell to fluoresce, or emit light at characteristic frequencies.
The ultraviolet light, in turn, stimulates a fluorescent coating painted on the inside of the tube.
Extra light in the early spring will stimulate budding.
A dreamachine is "viewed" with the eyes closed: the pulsating light stimulates the optical nerve and alters the brain's electrical oscillations.
Vitamin D, or ergocalciferol found in fungi, is synthesized from viosterol, which in turn is activated when ultraviolet light stimulates ergosterol.
When light from the shoe enters a person's eye and stimulates their retina, that stimulation is the proximal stimulus.