There were colored lights strung around the perimeter of the lot and around the useless gas pumps.
The stone window suddenly shimmered and activated, and the artificial lights Rlinda had strung inside the chamber dimmed.
From every rooftop were strung the ubiquitous colored lights, but it was another type of light that caught their attention.
A generator powered the lights strung across the arched roof.
Guests also walk by a noisy steam-powered engine/generator set piece, which appears to power the lights strung deep into the temple.
The lights strung along Marine Drive weren't smog lights, then; they were white, not yellow.
The lights strung across the black water indicated a powerful dynamo somewhere.
The pool room finished, and electric lights strung.
I accompanied Marino to her small aluminum sided house with its plastic Santa lit up on the front lawn and lights strung in the boxwoods.
New York City should be encouraged to create a "necklace of light" around the reservoir, lights strung all the way around, greatly increasing the visibility.