The heat and the light, suffusing his limbs like water sinking into dry sand, filling him.
Moments later a soft light suffused the room from above, growing brighter until the place was perfectly well lit.
A gentle light and shifting shadows from the candelabra on the low table suffused the room.
There is one oil lamp in a bronze sconce, from which a low light suffuses the cramped space.
They were slipping along the north bank, Kira a few steps ahead, on the lookout, and a golden light had suffused the whole city.
The light of day suffused the house, dispelling last night's fear.
They were in the process of asking the Fenton for coordination when a strange green light suffused the hallway.
It was sunset, and a lurid light suffused the city Eventually the carriage stopped.
Outside, the first thin light suffused the sky.
Soft blue light suffused the room, down-toned to increase resolution at the holofocus.