He described it as an oval red light, surrounded with an x-shaped white halo.
She was suddenly awash with light, frozen by it, surrounded by it on all sides.
He sees the woman then, striding forward out of the darkness and into the light, surrounded by men who are careful not to come too near.
It seemed to be a point of dim light, surrounded by long threads of energy that reached out into the blackness.
Then, in light and warmth, surrounded by other diners, buoyed by the champagne, the morning had seemed distant.
A beautiful tourist spot along the pavement studded with lights surrounded by lush green trees.
Cool, and when you're stuck at the lights surrounded by a million Mercs, a little bit smug as well
But Earth was an island of light and life surrounded by abysses.
At 6:12 a.m., the Sun darkens for a moment, and a red light surrounded by darkness is briefly seen.
Now I am sitting in an open plan office, in a building full of natural light, surrounded by renowned journalists.