They are often eaten with sugar or light syrup.
The fruits are also commonly used to make jam, jelly, and chutney, and are often served poached in light syrup.
The cherries are poached in wine, often with enough sugar added to make a light syrup.
Simmer, uncovered, stirring until plums are soft but not mushy and juices form a light syrup, about 5 minutes.
Generally, the lightest syrup, the Grade A Fancy, is produced early in the season, and the darker, less-expensive grades come toward the end.
Other varieties have included canned pineapple slices in light syrup sold in cans of ten and tinned tomatoes.
There are light colored syrups and dark colored ones.
When it forms a light syrup, pour over figs and serve.
Bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes, or until a light syrup is formed and drips slowly from the end of a spoon.
Spoom is a type of frothy sorbet made with a lighter syrup than that required for a true sorbet.