The wind blew and scattered droplets from the leaves; made the light wink and vanish and reappear with the shifting of branches and limbs between him and the source.
He suspected it was some form of radar, and saw a small smudge of light wink in and out of existence on the limit of the display.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw in a viewscreen a brilliant flash of light wink out from the Swarm Mother.
Thousands of miles away on the Friendship's bridge, Booly watched a pinprick of light wink on, then off.
These fabulous filigree lamps take the play of light to the next level: flip the switch and beams of light wink and flirt all around the room.
The garden is just right for a twilight, when the sinking sun sets the avenues afire and pinpoints of light wink from windows like a million stars.
Even as she laid her head on his chest, she saw the light wink against the simple gold band on his left finger.
I saw the light wink out of Baba's eyes and an uncomfortable silence followed.