He was hanging by a black wire, probably a piece of electric light wire.
Then he sets the timer and leaves, being very careful to keep the light blue wires as well hidden and deep as possible.
Fast as light to the receiver, down the wires to its target - which was a tiny charge of explosive.
The sculpture was in stressed wire, very light, mostly empty space it had seemed an abstraction until Teela started it turning.
About 300 yards of track were torn from the ground and twisted as if made of light wire.
Will try using this in conjunction with light wire in an extended A frame - 2.5metres long by 1.75 wide should give sufficient space?
The open iron stairway makes for a giddy ascent, about seven floors high and protected only by light wire caging on one side.
Many whisks have heavy handles and light wires, which are difficult to control.
Electrical light wires and telephone lines were down across the island.
Around the walls, Ms. Thacher has used the light wire as a drawing tool.