The neighborhood offers ferry and PATH service to Manhattan as well as light-rail service along the New Jersey side.
"People can walk to both light-rail service and trolley," Mr. Calthorpe said.
Other options include substituting only the Westchester portion of the commuter rail with a bus or light-rail service that could make more frequent stops.
The two others, routes 15 and 56, were then also operated by buses, although light-rail service on Route 15 was restored in 2005.
There were some suggesting that the light-rail service be extended to the suburbs rather than ending at the proposed stations.
Additionally, the Green Line and Mattapan High Speed Lines are technically light-rail services, using trams rather than typical multiple unit heavy railcar equipment.
A local pressure group, the Muswell Hill Metro Group, campaigns to reopen this route as a light-rail service.
Bureau added that the city opted for bus rapid-transit ahead of light-rail service as the project was long awaited.
However, the light-rail service is expected to shut down in late-night hours, so the 16 may continue to operate "owl" service along the corridor.
Maybe it would someday lead to the development of light-rail service all the way to downtown Brooklyn.