They get the O.K. to head home and are offered protective sunglasses to reduce the glare on their light-sensitive eyes.
The Slug has extremely light-sensitive eyes, causing him to wear shaded eyeglasses virtually all the time.
Like giant torches, the burning trees lit the night a hellish red, a sudden assault on his light-sensitive eyes.
He was left with broken ribs, missing teeth, and a light-sensitive eye.
He studied the dirt while Frank screwed the new bulb in, wanting to spare his currently light-sensitive eyes.
Like many lizards, water dragons have a parietal eye, a light-sensitive "third eye" in the top of the head.
His light-sensitive eyes were hidden behind a pair of dark data goggles.
He was dripping wet, with a thick pair of dark goggles covering his light-sensitive eyes.
She sometimes still has memory lapses while performing, and Gardot needs to wear sunglasses to protect her light-sensitive eyes.
It was as if Austin had thrown acid into Barker's light-sensitive eyes.