In the second, two light-skinned Hispanic girls were robbed by a group of up to 20 black teen-agers who the police said specifically targeted people they thought were white.
Huddled inside the crate in a tangle of cheap blankets was a light-skinned colored girl.
But even though there were some "gorgeous light-skinned black girls over there," he said, and a couple of women from his classes became good friends, he wasn't attracted.
Still, his reference to "gorgeous light-skinned black girls" as potential dating options betrays a disturbing point of view that equates whiteness with desirability.
Shortly after acquiring the Auburn property, Tubman went back to Maryland and returned with her "niece", an eight-year-old light-skinned black girl named Margaret.
Both Lady and Junk explained the reasons why both of them were eliminated is because Real and Chance prefer light-skinned girls.
Lil Jon stated that he is tired of hearing praises of light-skinned girls and dedicated a song to dark-skinned or "chocolate" girls.
"We talk and she'll say, 'You know that light-skinned girl' or 'that light-skinned boy with straight hair,' " Ms. Odom says.
One day Grace says the sorority only took light-skinned, wealthy girls.