These entries will be judged, in a lighthearted manner, later in the evening when the three experts speak about them.
They are given out during an outdoor herd to each student in a lighthearted manner.
He joined in the conversation in a lighthearted manner, turning it adroitly into entirely different channels.
And the Thompson campaign Web site,, seeks to capitalize in a lighthearted manner on that uncertainty.
In a lighthearted manner, Camby said his family, particularly his sisters, had encouraged him to start playing again.
Several of the songs on the EP deal with events from the band members' own lives, but presented in a humorous and lighthearted manner.
In a very lighthearted manner, Leapor connects her poetry with women's friendship, and with women's physical experience.
I find it difficult to believe that an image showing the same scene with the genders reversed would be presented in such a lighthearted manner.
Despite his lighthearted manner, Austin wondered if the rescue was too late.
Other familiar images were treated in a far more lighthearted manner.