During a tempest on the 17th, lightning shattered the frigate's main topmast and carried away her main yard while damaging her foremast and injuring almost a score of men.
Suddenly with a sound like an ax splintering wood, blue lightning shattered the sky, setting his teeth on edge, enveloping flesh in a vast tingling web.
Or what if the lightnings should leap out and shatter him to dust?
And when the lightning had forked inwards through the window and shattered the typing-pool window, Gilbert had turned back to Rohmer in helpless appeal.
Licking lightnings spun and shattered on other crystals and liquid drops.
After that, though, Jim Harbaugh took the snap from the shotgun formation and simply ran through a hole so big he could have found it even if lightning had shattered the overhead lights and plunged the place into darkness.
But his lightning shattered on whatever shield they were using.
One touch would destroy them as lightning might shatter a toy.
Light, make her do it now, before.... Abruptly lightning shattered the night overhead, for a moment obliterating darkness.