This high cost is largely due to the manpower and equipment needed to form lightweight structures that perform well in rockets.
Hollow amphorae were fitted inside one another to provide a lightweight structure and avoid additional buttressing.
The solution came in the form of a lightweight structure that held together loose sand, dirt or gravel so the ground stayed put.
However, their very much lower densities compared with metals makes them ideal for lightweight structures.
Piers can range in size and complexity from a simple lightweight wooden structure to major structures extended over 1600 metres.
He graduated from the University in 1964 and began working with experimental lightweight structures and basic shelters.
A lightweight structure keeps the units in contact with one another.
They are lightweight structures that can be erected in less than 30 minutes or, in at least one case, in about a minute.
The collapse of a relatively flimsy, lightweight structure is also less likely to cause serious injury than a heavy structure.
For example, diatoms are particularly good at making lightweight but strong structures.