Usually in the pictures I make, the characters are not the most likable people.
Yet it is to Parvin's great credit that he makes these people endurable, even likable.
They all seem like likable people, full of the wisdom that comes with experience.
"I guess likable people don't get into situations where they need somebody like you."
They want him to do well, if for no other reason than he is one of the most genuine, likable people in the game.
Godard makes us care about two likable people who love each other but seem determined to throw their happiness away.
And they're very likable people, or they wouldn't have that job.
Why do you think the four least likable people on "Survivor" made it to the finals?
I want to prove that there are likable people in track and field.
After all, what's being portrayed is a group of perfectly likable people falling apart.