Daniel didn't like killing, but anybody who carried a mob gun knew what the rules were.
He did not like killing, but it was true that the ethics of his revising the past were problematical.
Those of you who know me, you know I do not like killing.
Often one killed from necessity but Alekhin seemed to like killing.
They were convicted of crimes that supported terrorist acts likes bombing and killing.
As for what the Army has been called upon to do in Iraq, she said: "I don't like war, death or killing.
The other members, the bankers, the politicians, they don't like killing.
"You've got me wrong, Chief - I don't like killing."
And you may not like killing, but I remember about six weeks after we moved up here when you killed that woman sniper platoon leader.
"I don't like killing," she said with some dignity.
Elf gets next to Mate because he likes killing people.
"I could get to where I like killing things."
Now I don't like killing a fellow agent any more than you do.
Rapunzel: A cruel and insane woman who likes killing people.
I just wanted to warn you, I like killing blind people.
I don't like killing a man who won't at least stand on his own two feet.
But the thing is, Will, I like killing things.
I like killing evil things, and I'm very good at it.
I could teU he did not like killing a helpless creature.
I don't like killing the things at the best of times.