The national chairman attended a number of state and national conventions of other like-minded third parties across the nation to build ties.
For parliamentary elections he said he was talking to "like-minded parties and individuals," and tribal and community elders so he could hope to find a body of support in the future legislature.
PVG is looking for like-minded parties.
Political parties in the member states organise themselves with like-minded parties in other states into political parties at European level or Europarties.
It enjoyed guiding like-minded parties into proximity through the shift of a wall here or a suggested table just there.
In alliance with smaller like-minded and ultra-nationalist parties, Mr. Iliescu's party could be in a position to form the next government.
PvdD: Suggests that VVD first attempts to form a government with "like-minded" parties (not including PvdA).
Establish an alliance of like-minded Liberal Democratic parties in Africa for sharing information and experiences.
Also, unlike traditional parties, they do not belong to international organizations of like-minded parties, and they do not use similar terms to describe themselves.
That would be enough to assure Yabloko a leading role in the new Parliament, especially if it could form a coalition with like-minded parties.