The campaign to memorialize the victims began with a group of like-minded scholars and history buffs, and soon won the support of leading dissidents and cultural figures.
His Institute for Creation Research, a hybrid of a ministry and a research organization that grants master's degrees, led to scores more books from like-minded scholars shunned by mainstream academia.
Still, because they cross that line drawn in 1981, a number of major manuscripts covering the Mao period languish in office drawers or are passed around, samizdat-style, among like-minded scholars.
After he lays out the issues in question and summarizes traditional views of Paul, Gager then makes his argument and discusses various like-minded contemporary scholars, such as E.P. Sanders.
Once liberals dominate a department, they can increase their majority by voting to award tenure to like-minded scholars.
Still, Mr. Akcam's views and those of like-minded scholars remain anathema to the nationalist forces that still exercise influence in Turkey.
Starfleet was where he belonged, but there was a part of him that still felt at home in academia, surrounded by like-minded scholars and students with whom he could explore intellectual and artistic pursuits.
He held the position of chairman of CCNY's Black Studies Department for over two decades, recruiting like-minded scholars and growing the department.
By organizing a global network of like-minded scholars and fostering the publication of their ideas in Europe, Weber has contributed significantly to the visibility of process philosophy in Europe.
It can be rooted in devotion to a group of artists or like-minded scholars.