The likelihood decreases for follow-up examinations, ranging from one to three cancers per 1,000 screens.
The night sky was a depressing black, but the likelihood of a downpour had temporarily decreased.
An employee's likelihood of winning a claim decreased when dealing with a company that repeatedly went through the process with other employees, the study found.
The likelihood of that has now decreased substantially.
There is some empirical support for the proposition that the likelihood of attack decreases with size.
But he went on to emphasize that the likelihood of a deep, lengthy recession lasting into 1996 and beyond had "decreased very significantly."
It has been demonstrated that the likelihood of a person offering help decreases as the number of observers present increases.
Bleeding is common in this first hour, but its likelihood decreases quickly as time passes, and bleeding has usually stopped after 24 hours.
As a result, the likelihood of agricultural monopolies decreased.
When reputation was important to an individual, then the likelihood for questionable negotiation tactics decreased significantly.