The Quadrangle Group, an investment firm that specializes in media, is a likely contender.
Mr. Franco is widely seen as a highly likely Presidential contender in four years.
In fact, the two teams, which at the end of last season appeared likely contenders for this year's conference title, are heading in opposite directions.
She, along with Nicky, were one of the likely contenders to win.
Since forming in 2007, this Welsh rock band is one of the new scene of likely contenders.
There was, however, a great deal of discussion about several elected officials who would be likely contenders.
Neither of the two likely contenders is well known to the quirky California voters.
Rarely is it the case that likely presidential contenders are able to play off each other so much.
Under Conservative Party rules, the party's 165 lawmakers must first decide among themselves on the two most likely contenders for the leadership.
All three of the superintendents are considered more likely contenders than the two former chancellors.