He continued to play the lilting melody as he called out to Leary.
The dull pressure in his head lifted, and within the confines of his skull, he heard only the lilting melody.
The soloist then enters with the lilting syncopated melody of the rondo.
But the answers, such as they are, aren't anything you would set to a lilting melody.
His fingers moved over the keys, and a lilting melody arose.
Especially impressive was the second movement, an Andante, in which a lilting melody stretched out to fill a space of considerable breadth.
The lilting melody was the kind of song popular at weddings, but mostly not in the tavern.
The result is a lilting melody with a chant riding on the percussive rhythm.
Gurney could hear Bheth's sweet voice in a lilting melody.
The music returned, its lilting melody permeating the room for a few seconds until the dischord reappeared.