I worried that I had decided to rob him of his life simply based on limb deformities.
Bone and joint pain are common, as are limb deformities.
In the 1960s, many pregnant women taking the anti-nausea drug thalidomide gave birth to infants with limb deformities.
The main service offered at the school is that of correcting limb deformities through a process that involves surgery and physiotherapy.
Researchers say the new fungus is unlikely to be related to the limb deformities in Minnesota frogs.
As birth defects go, limb deformities like theirs are relatively common, afflicting about 1 in 2,000 American infants born each year.
An angular limb deformity that creates a toed-out appearance from the fetlock down.
Because such outsize calves don't have room to wriggle around in the uterus, they can be born lame or with limb deformities.
This risk isn't clear and may be linked to disruption of blood supply to the growing baby, leading to limb deformities and other problems.
Bone changes can be observed on radiograph, and the disorder may progress to actual angular limb deformity.