The more languid flopped on mohair banquettes, limbs entwined.
Later, limbs entwined, Jeremy's head resting on her breast, Sheridan said quietly, "I never thought it would be like this, Jeremy.
CHArTER TEN The lovers writhed on silken sheets, limbs entwined.
We ate chocolate-chip cookies, swapped memories of our dreams, and fell back to sleep, our limbs entwined.
To quiet, gentle musical sounds, the dancers let their limbs entwine like vines.
Marie-Jeanne quickly soothed him; and dark limbs entwined with white.
They lay entangled, breath slowing down, slippy limbs entwined.
I was lying in a tangle of cloaks and blankets, Jamie's limbs heavily entwined with my own, and a fine, cold snow was falling through the pines.
Within moments they are naked, embracing each other like long-lost lovers, their pent-up emotions and fears lost in the moment as their limbs entwine, the only two people in the world.
The tree sprang back straight; its limbs entwined around a dark mass that writhed and spat and screamed.