A stepwise model system for limb regeneration.
Just how futuristic is limb regeneration in humans?
Salamanders' limb regeneration has been the focus of significant interest among scientists.
In a sense, they had begun way back in the nineteenth century, with the first experiments on limb regeneration of amphibians.
They found that removing the macrophages from a salamander resulted in failure of limb regeneration and a scarring response.
Powers include levitation, crystallizing spikes from the body that possess machines, and limb regeneration.
Electrical stimulation of partial limb regeneration in mammals.
In a frog, the voltage would simply change to the normal negative level in four weeks or so, and no limb regeneration would take place.
O'Keefe uses his experimental knowledge about limb regeneration to help Kali.
During the program various topics such as limb regeneration, organ printers, and even age reversal are discussed.