Aaron couldn't tell if the prince moved on his own or if his limbs thrashed about at the mercy of the storm.
Blackened limbs thrashed in the torment of fire.
He felt a stab of fear; his limbs thrashed.
After a few minutes more she abruptly released a shrill cry, and her limbs thrashed about under the bedclothes.
His limbs were thrashing around, his legs jutting now from his tiny trousers.
All three of them were down now, their limbs thrashing hi their death throes.
During epileptic seizures, patients' limbs may thrash about, frightening observers so much that in past centuries they assumed the body was possessed.
Thin snake-like limbs thrashed about it, tearing through the host's shredded body.
The limbs attached to the falling chunk thrashed wildly even as it fell.
His limbs thrashed wildly, but he seemed unable to move from the spot where he had been working.