Learning and affective processing are the primary functions of limbic and paralimbic brain.
These odor pathways gradually formed the neural blueprint for what was later to become our limbic brain.
The limbic brain does not.
Psychotherapy changes people because one mammal can restructure the limbic brain of another.
Furthermore, there is inactivation of the reflective system in the limbic brain which leads the dreamer to mistake the dream for reality.
But my limbic brain, a dumb little organ so primitive it bypasses logical thought, locked on to his image and stayed there.
My limbic brain was telling me to run like hell, but how far would I get?
But the limbic brain does not diagnose, or self-correct; all it does is feel.
It sedates areas in the limbic brain from which the instincts of aggression rise.
Even the excision of the entire limbic brain would not suffice to remove aggression.