In any case, this old recipe - of cinnamon, cloves, lime peel, honey and fruity red wine - is rather outdated now, but I find the punch delicious for these kinds of light meals.
Discard the cinnamon stick and lime peel and combine the infused milk with the egg yolks in a heavy saucepan over medium heat, stirring constantly.
I like the quinine taste with the lime peel.
Additional flavoring is usually added to Puerto Rico mazamorra; evaporated milk and coconut milk cooked with a lime peel.
It uses 12 botanicals including: juniper, angelica root, fresh orange peel, fresh lemon peel and fresh lime peel, cardamom.
Mine was a sphere of refreshing lime sorbet topped with wisps of candied lime peel and surrounded by cubes of fresh papaya and mango.
Toss them in a bowl with the lemon juice and lime peel.
The main ingredients are garlic, shallots, (dried) red chili peppers, galangal, shrimp paste, salt, kaffir lime peel, coriander root, coriander seeds, cumin seeds, peppercorns and lemongrass.
At the chicken-rice shrine where we ate, a modest stall beneath the corrugated roof at the Maxwell Road Food Center, the dipping sauce (lime peel, chili and garlic) packed a punch.
Among the strongest are linden blossoms and lime peels.