A bomb threat prompted the university to limit attendance at the event.
The club, which filed an application with village officials to amend its six-year-old special permit on Aug. 10, has pledged to limit attendance to 5,000 spectators per day.
"Companies that hold their meetings because they're legally domiciled in a place are trying to limit attendance," he said.
Some groups, like the Restaurant, Hotel, Tavern Association, try to limit attendance to lawmakers by requiring guests to come with a written invitation.
Dr. Dennis said he wanted to limit attendance to Bedford residents and news organizations.
Holds About 50 People Through their lawyers, the group asserted that the courtroom, which holds about 50 people, had been deliberately selected by city authorities as a means of limiting public attendance at the trial.
She holds it in her herb garden, but this year she plans to limit attendance to about 150 people.
About two-thirds of the city's nearly 200 high schools limit attendance, said dozens of coaches, players and school officials interviewed in the last two weeks.
As part of its negotiations with the zoning board, the synagogue agreed to limit attendance at Saturday-morning prayer services to 65 during the summer; from October to May, typical attendance is 25 to 30 people.