State constitutions limit eligibility for the thrones to male Malay Muslim of royal descent.
So let's limit the franchise and eligibility for office and the practice of law to mothers.
This loss of full participation as a consumer has been reinforced by a whole series of changes limiting eligibility to the national insurance unemployment benefit.
However, some programs would limit eligibility to certain lines as well as academic performance within these lines.
Attention has focused on rules that limit eligibility for lower tariffs to goods produced mainly in North America.
The new regulations limit eligibility for shelter services unless the homeless person is willing to join a rehabilitation program.
It limits eligibility to educators and students who plan to pursue careers in education, and to professional support persons such as librarians and counselors.
The Dream Act further limits eligibility for conditional status by specifically excluding anyone who:
Now, the management wants to limit eligibility for health insurance, the union said.
While the city accepts into shelters anyone who declares himself or herself homeless, other states limit eligibility for emergency housing.