Some plans limit enrollment to certain employee groups.
Royal West has limited enrollment, and prospective students are only admitted after an entrance examination and interview.
Ms. Coln, who runs the program, said the district might have to limit enrollment.
He limited enrollment to 25 men and restricted contact with the residents of Bishop, a town 40 miles away.
This is an increasingly common hybrid in white communities, where parents have gone private to limit black enrollment.
Shortly thereafter, the Hungarian government prepared a law limiting Jewish enrollment to about six per cent of the total university population.
One proposal for dealing with all this is to limit enrollment.
The letter also said that the college, which has 1,946 students, must sharply limit new enrollment.
In 1998, the school decided to limit enrollment in order to retain a more personal atmosphere with students.
In one instance, he tried to limit Jewish enrollment to 15% of the student body.