But through an increasing number of new investments, you may be able to limit future erosion of your home's value.
Follow this track and subsequent path, which has recently been re-laid to limit erosion, all the way to the summit cone of West Lomond.
In 2004, the Loyalsock Creek Watershed Association installed a fence on the creek's banks near the cabins to limit pedestrian access and erosion.
Left to nature, the islands would diminish over time, but this is limited due to hard shore lines built to limit erosion.
Artificial reefs installed at Belmar, Cape May Point and Avalon have limited erosion from major storms, a new study says.
To limit erosion, scientists have devised a cultivation system called "alley cropping."
A variant basin design called an extended detention dry basin can limit downstream erosion and control of some pollutants such as suspended solids.
This coolant is usually water-based, with the addition of glycols to prevent freezing and other additives to limit corrosion, erosion and cavitation.
A program of tree planting was introduced to limit erosion, using pine trees.
The region is very wet, but with few rainy days and many sunny days, so normally the vineyards are grassy, which limits erosion.