As the project has limited funding, Kéré Architecture used pre-planned modules as the basis for the project.
The company's decision to limit funding and staff for research and development caused running issues with new products.
These sections consisted mainly of detectives and had limited capability and funding.
He has sponsored legislation limiting federal funding for horse slaughter inspection plants, effectively preventing the practice.
He voted to limit funding for Mr. Reagan's missile defense program because he said he thought it would not work.
There was a study that was done - so it's left to universities and research hospitals that have limited funding, especially now.
Akunis, who sponsored the bill to limit foreign funding to Israeli human rights organization, stood behind Senator Joseph's McCarthy's actions in the 1950s.
Last year the national assembly approved the so-called Golinger law, which limits foreign funding for rights groups, political parties and other NGOs.
What will happen if we tell Mr Barnier to strictly limit structural funding to such things as rail transport or action that benefits the environment?
Two controversial amendments by Mansfield limiting military funding of research were passed by Congress.