They are designed to prevent member states from using these prudential provisions to limit investment to their own government securities or shares.
Already, there are proposals in Congress to limit Japanese investment.
In fact, near the end of his ruling, he explicitly says that Microsoft's power has limited technological investment that would otherwise have taken place.
The time to start limiting further investment and maximizing profit is now.
We might limit foreign investment in the military sector, for national security reasons; such laws are on the books and effective.
Both would be difficult because of antitrust issues and laws limiting investment in overseas carriers.
A law limiting foreign investment in strategic enterprises was passed in 2008, before the global financial and economic crisis struck.
Existing shortfalls limit new investment in gas-fueled plants and power generators.
Crowding out also occurs when government spending raises interest rates which limits investment.
It will limit foreign investment to no greater than 50 percent of total investments in these businesses.