This action gave the family a livelihood, but the family continued to have limited means compared to their former status.
The city has limited means of transport, which do not cover sufficiently the non-urban zones.
Short of eliminating jobs, colleges have limited means of controlling growth in personnel costs.
WHEN you need financial help and have limited means, paying for advice may seem beyond reach.
These methods are more popular with young people who have not yet come out as trans, or those who have limited financial means.
The Dungkar forces had limited means to wage ground-to-air warfare.
At your ages, the danger is even greater because you have limited means to get yourselves out of a crisis.
Since 1877, the fund, a nonprofit organization, has been sponsoring vacations to the country for city children whose families have limited financial means.
His mother died in a concentration camp, and his father had limited means to support the family.
If the computers were still functional, you'd still have limited means to interact with them.
The Drive's limits mean that uninteresting stellar systems won't be explored.
The 500-ruble limit means that about half of the city's 500,000 residents are arguably impoverished.
Cigarette makers are a prime example of how little the $5,000 limit means.
The limit would have meant that today there would be 6,000 representatives.
Registration was in February 1989, and the limit of 128 players meant the waiting list was huge.
Cognitive limits mean we can't grasp the whole system.
But the state's limits mean that existing businesses and residents will have to reduce usage so new development can continue.
In practice, the Polish limit of 0.03 percent means a person could have a small beer and still meet the test.
In many countries the limits will mean a switch to incineration.
If so, that often-cited limit means less than it would appear.