Some have gone even further, pushing for a constitutional amendment that would limit Federal taxes to 25 percent of income.
It would be unwise and risky to limit taxes through a constitutional amendment or some arbitrary statutory cap.
The treaty would limit Russian taxes on subsidiaries of American companies.
Managers of tax-efficient funds take a hybrid approach by choosing from a variety of stocks, but keeping trading to a minimum to limit taxes.
In Illinois, for example, both the Republican and Democratic nominees for governor have endorsed the proposed measure to limit taxes.
Bannockburn's municipal services expanded slowly in an effort to limit taxes, but it established a police department in the 1970s and built a village hall in 1992.
Proposals to limit budgets or lower taxes will be on the ballot from Massachusetts to California.
The capital gains tax applied to profits from the sale of stocks, bonds, real estate and other assets, limiting taxes to a maximum of 20 percent.
California, Colorado, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Nevada and Oregon have proposals to limit taxes.
During his administration, he limited taxes and cut expenditures at every level of state government.