But without a United Nations mandate to be more aggressive, those forces are limited to a mostly passive role.
The Volksraad was limited to an advisory role and only a small portion of the indigenous population were able to vote for its members.
But election supervision at the local level remains subject to manipulation, and foreign observers have been limited to an indirect role.
Like many other Royal consorts, the young Queen initially limited herself to a ceremonial role.
The comptroller would be limited to a slightly expanded fiscal role.
These Pentecostal churches have made a special effort to appeal to women, who often complain of being limited to a supporting role in the Catholic church.
On the other hand, the commission recommends limiting the comptroller to a strictly fiscal role as the city's chief auditor.
Lord Joseph made two unsuccessful attempts to limit the national curriculum to a purely advisory role and to restrict its operation to the three core subjects.
They're farmers, traders; their industry is limited to a minor role in their economy-enough to support the merchant fleet, no more.
Having said that, this does not mean that the Convention should be limited to a codifying role of simply compiling the existing rights from various sources.