If you are comfortable in Terminal, running the following command as an admin will limit other users from being able to run Directory Services:
The "Content Variability" capability severely limits users to one-to-one mappings.
In September 2010, Clearwire introduced a dynamic network management system to limit users who consume disproportionate amounts of wireless data.
Partly to prevent anyone from becoming addicted to Vivienne's charms, the program will limit users to an hour of play time a day.
If uptake of Chromeffects was widespread, this would limit users to Microsoft platforms where the content could be viewed.
But then ultimately Microsoft came along and said, hey, let's not limit users to running JavaScript in browsers.
Should LSPs limit users to 1,000 messages a month?
The Honolulu Police Department fought the bill and won an agreement limiting users, who will be able to grow their own marijuana, to six plants.
Unlike other social networking websites, Wooxie does limit users on the number of categories that they can post in.
In response to the wide media coverage, Virgin Mobile updated its online account access system, limiting users to 20 attempts from one IP address.