The limitations and variability of man's senses restrict him to knowledge of appearances, never of real substances.
Such a limitation severely restricts the choreographic range he has otherwise tried so admirably to develop.
While the Classic architecture imposed a limit of 65,535 extra data segments system-wide, other limitations would usually restrict that to a somewhat smaller limit.
Those limitations greatly restricted the potential market for the devices, Grid officials said.
"The physical limitation on the airwaves or electromagnetic spectrum restricts the number of stations".
This limitation intentionally restricts the range of communications, allowing greatest use of the available channels.
However, manufacturing limitations generally restrict such features to mass-produced blades fabricated of softer, less expensive stainless steel alloys.
These limitations restrict or prohibit the taxing of certain items, such as food.
Some limitations restrict MOST25's effective data transfer rate to about 10 kByte/s.
Only two limitations restricted their use.