The exact number varies in an unpredictable and highly classified manner, at or below a maximum set by various strategic arms limitation treaties.
Did the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty of 1979 reduce offensive forces?
His view was borne out by subsequent decades, which brought nuclear-weapons limitation treaties and a growing realization that global environmental threats call for global remedies.
However there is a military limitation treaty and information disclosure agreement in place between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China.
It was, he knew, because of the new Voluntary Arms Limitation Treaty recently approved by Congress and signed by the President.
History: The first Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty, signed in 1972, and the second, agreed to in 1979, imposed limits on missile launchers.
The colleagues who initiated the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty, opened China and negotiated the end of the Vietnam War are suddenly back in business.
By virtue of the Anglo-German Naval Agreement, signed in 1935, Germany was considered to be a party to the other international naval arms limitation treaties.
Amendments have passed the House, and are pending in the Senate, that would direct the President to abide by the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty.